
Contract Address Details


Contract Name
Fetching tokens...
12 Transactions
0 Transfers
Gas Used
Last Balance Update
Warning! Contract bytecode has been changed and doesn't match the verified one. Therefore, interaction with this smart contract may be risky.
Contract name:

Optimization enabled
Compiler version

Optimization runs
Verified at


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// If you modify this contract, you need to re-install the binary into the validator 
// genesis file for the chain you wish to run. See ./docs/CompilingContracts.md for more information.
// You have been warned. That is all.
pragma solidity 0.7.6;
pragma abicoder v2;

import "../../governance/implementation/GovernedAtGenesis.sol";
import "../../addressUpdater/implementation/AddressUpdatable.sol";
import "../interface/IInflationGenesis.sol";
import "../interface/IFlareDaemonize.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "../../utils/implementation/SafePct.sol";

 * @title Flare Daemon contract
 * @notice This contract exists to coordinate regular daemon-like polling of contracts
 *   that are registered to receive said polling. The trigger method is called by the 
 *   validator right at the end of block state transition.
contract FlareDaemon is GovernedAtGenesis, AddressUpdatable {
    using SafeMath for uint256;
    using SafePct for uint256;

    // Data Structures
    struct DaemonizedError {
        uint192 lastErrorBlock;
        uint64 numErrors;
        address fromContract;
        uint64 errorTypeIndex;
        string errorMessage;

    struct LastErrorData {
        uint192 totalDaemonizedErrors;
        uint64 lastErrorTypeIndex;

    struct Registration {
        IFlareDaemonize daemonizedContract;
        uint256 gasLimit;

    string internal constant ERR_ALREADY_SET = "already set";
    string internal constant ERR_OUT_OF_BALANCE = "out of balance";
    string internal constant ERR_NOT_INFLATION = "not inflation";
    string internal constant ERR_TOO_MANY = "too many";
    string internal constant ERR_TOO_BIG = "too big";
    string internal constant ERR_TOO_OFTEN = "too often";
    string internal constant ERR_INFLATION_ZERO = "inflation zero";
    string internal constant ERR_BLOCK_NUMBER_SMALL = "block.number small";
    string internal constant INDEX_TOO_HIGH = "start index high";
    string internal constant UPDATE_GAP_TOO_SHORT = "time gap too short";
    string internal constant MAX_MINT_TOO_HIGH = "max mint too high";
    string internal constant MAX_MINT_IS_ZERO = "max mint is zero";
    string internal constant ERR_DUPLICATE_ADDRESS = "dup address";
    string internal constant ERR_ADDRESS_ZERO = "address zero";
    string internal constant ERR_OUT_OF_GAS = "out of gas";
    string internal constant ERR_INFLATION_MINT_RECEIVE_FAIL = "unknown error. receiveMinting";

    uint256 internal constant MAX_DAEMONIZE_CONTRACTS = 10;
    // Initial max mint request - 60 million native token
    uint256 internal constant MAX_MINTING_REQUEST_DEFAULT = 60000000 ether;
    // How often can inflation request minting from the validator - 23 hours constant
    uint256 internal constant MAX_MINTING_FREQUENCY_SEC = 23 hours;
    // How often can the maximal mint request amount be updated
    uint256 internal constant MAX_MINTING_REQUEST_FREQUENCY_SEC = 24 hours;
    // By how much can the maximum be increased (as a percentage of the previous maximum)
    uint256 internal constant MAX_MINTING_REQUEST_INCREASE_PERCENT = 110;
    // upper estimate of gas needed after error occurs in call to daemonizedContract.daemonize()
    uint256 internal constant MIN_GAS_LEFT_AFTER_DAEMONIZE = 300000;
    // lower estimate for gas needed for daemonize() call in trigger
    uint256 internal constant MIN_GAS_FOR_DAEMONIZE_CALL = 5000;

    IInflationGenesis public inflation;
    uint256 public systemLastTriggeredAt;
    uint256 public totalMintingRequestedWei;
    uint256 public totalMintingReceivedWei;
    uint256 public totalMintingWithdrawnWei;
    uint256 public totalSelfDestructReceivedWei;
    uint256 public maxMintingRequestWei;
    uint256 public lastMintRequestTs;
    uint256 public lastUpdateMaxMintRequestTs;
    LastErrorData public errorData;
    uint256 public blockHoldoff;

    uint256 private lastBalance;
    uint256 private expectedMintRequest;
    bool private initialized;

    // track deamonized contracts
    IFlareDaemonize[] internal daemonizeContracts;
    mapping (IFlareDaemonize => uint256) internal gasLimits;
    mapping (IFlareDaemonize => uint256) internal blockHoldoffsRemaining;

    // track daemonize errors
    mapping(bytes32 => DaemonizedError) internal daemonizedErrors;
    bytes32 [] internal daemonizeErrorHashes;

    event ContractDaemonized(address theContract, uint256 gasConsumed);
    event ContractDaemonizeErrored(address theContract, uint256 atBlock, string theMessage, uint256 gasConsumed);
    event ContractHeldOff(address theContract, uint256 blockHoldoffsRemaining);
    event ContractsSkippedOutOfGas(uint256 numberOfSkippedConstracts);
    event MintingRequestReceived(uint256 amountWei);
    event MintingRequestTriggered(uint256 amountWei);
    event MintingReceived(uint256 amountWei);
    event MintingWithdrawn(uint256 amountWei);
    event RegistrationUpdated(IFlareDaemonize theContract, bool add);
    event SelfDestructReceived(uint256 amountWei);
    event InflationSet(IInflationGenesis theNewContract, IInflationGenesis theOldContract);

     * @dev As there is not a constructor, this modifier exists to make sure the inflation
     *   contract is set for methods that require it.
    modifier inflationSet {
        // Don't revert...just report.
        if (address(inflation) == address(0)) {
            addDaemonizeError(address(this), ERR_INFLATION_ZERO, 0);

     * @dev Access control to protect methods to allow only minters to call select methods
     *   (like transferring balance out).
    modifier onlyInflation (address _inflation) {
        require (address(inflation) == _inflation, ERR_NOT_INFLATION);
     * @dev Access control to protect trigger() method. 
     * Please note that the sender address is the same as deployed FlareDaemon address in this case.
    modifier onlySystemTrigger {
        require (msg.sender == 0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000002);

    // Constructor for pre-compiled code

     * @dev This constructor should contain no code as this contract is pre-loaded into the genesis block.
     *   The super constructor is called for testing convenience.
    constructor() GovernedAtGenesis(address(0)) AddressUpdatable(address(0)) {
        /* empty block */

    // Functions

     * @notice Register contracts to be polled by the daemon process.
     * @param _registrations    An array of Registration structures of IFlareDaemonize contracts to daemonize
     *                          and gas limits for each contract.
     * @dev A gas limit of zero will set no limit for the contract but the validator has an overall
     *   limit for the trigger() method.
     * @dev If any registrations already exist, they will be unregistered.
     * @dev Contracts will be daemonized in the order in which presented via the _registrations array.
    function registerToDaemonize(Registration[] memory _registrations) external onlyGovernance {

     * @notice Queue up a minting request to send to the validator at next trigger.
     * @param _amountWei    The amount to mint.
    function requestMinting(uint256 _amountWei) external onlyInflation(msg.sender) {
        require(_amountWei <= maxMintingRequestWei, ERR_TOO_BIG);
        require(_getNextMintRequestAllowedTs() < block.timestamp, ERR_TOO_OFTEN);
        if (_amountWei > 0) {
            lastMintRequestTs = block.timestamp;
            totalMintingRequestedWei = totalMintingRequestedWei.add(_amountWei);
            emit MintingRequestReceived(_amountWei);

     * @notice Set number of blocks that must elapse before a daemonized contract exceeding gas limit can have
     *   its daemonize() method called again.
     * @param _blockHoldoff    The number of blocks to holdoff.
    function setBlockHoldoff(uint256 _blockHoldoff) external onlyGovernance {
        blockHoldoff = _blockHoldoff;

     * @notice Set limit on how much can be minted per request.
     * @param _maxMintingRequestWei    The request maximum in wei.
     * @notice this number can't be udated too often
    function setMaxMintingRequest(uint256 _maxMintingRequestWei) external onlyGovernance {
        // make sure increase amount is reasonable
            _maxMintingRequestWei <= (maxMintingRequestWei.mulDiv(MAX_MINTING_REQUEST_INCREASE_PERCENT,100)),
        require(_maxMintingRequestWei > 0, MAX_MINT_IS_ZERO);
        // make sure enough time since last update
            block.timestamp > lastUpdateMaxMintRequestTs + MAX_MINTING_REQUEST_FREQUENCY_SEC,

        maxMintingRequestWei = _maxMintingRequestWei;
        lastUpdateMaxMintRequestTs = block.timestamp;

     * @notice Sets the address udpater contract.
     * @param _addressUpdater   The address updater contract.
    function setAddressUpdater(address _addressUpdater) external onlyGovernance {
        require(getAddressUpdater() == address(0), ERR_ALREADY_SET);

     * @notice The meat of this contract. Poll all registered contracts, calling the daemonize() method of each,
     *   in the order in which registered.
     * @return  _toMintWei     Return the amount to mint back to the validator. The asked for balance will show
     *                          up in the next block (it is actually added right before this block's state transition,
     *                          but well after this method call will see it.)
     * @dev This method watches for balances being added to this contract and handles appropriately - legit
     *   mint requests as made via requestMinting, and also self-destruct sending to this contract, should
     *   it happen for some reason.
    //slither-disable-next-line reentrancy-eth      // method protected by reentrancy guard (see comment below)
    function trigger() external virtual inflationSet onlySystemTrigger returns (uint256 _toMintWei) {
        return triggerInternal();

    function getDaemonizedContractsData() external view 
            IFlareDaemonize[] memory _daemonizeContracts,
            uint256[] memory _gasLimits,
            uint256[] memory _blockHoldoffsRemaining
        uint256 len = daemonizeContracts.length;
        _daemonizeContracts = new IFlareDaemonize[](len);
        _gasLimits = new uint256[](len);
        _blockHoldoffsRemaining = new uint256[](len);

        for (uint256 i; i < len; i++) {
            IFlareDaemonize daemonizeContract = daemonizeContracts[i];
            _daemonizeContracts[i] = daemonizeContract;
            _gasLimits[i] = gasLimits[daemonizeContract];
            _blockHoldoffsRemaining[i] = blockHoldoffsRemaining[daemonizeContract];

    function getNextMintRequestAllowedTs() external view returns(uint256) {
        return _getNextMintRequestAllowedTs();

    function showLastDaemonizedError () external view 
            uint256[] memory _lastErrorBlock,
            uint256[] memory _numErrors,
            string[] memory _errorString,
            address[] memory _erroringContract,
            uint256 _totalDaemonizedErrors
        return showDaemonizedErrors(errorData.lastErrorTypeIndex, 1);

     * @notice Set the governance address to a hard-coded known address.
     * @dev This should be done at contract deployment time.
     * @return The governance address.
    function initialiseFixedAddress() public override returns(address) {
        if (!initialized) {
            initialized = true;
            address governanceAddress = super.initialiseFixedAddress();
            return governanceAddress;
        } else {
            return governance();

    function showDaemonizedErrors (uint startIndex, uint numErrorTypesToShow) public view 
            uint256[] memory _lastErrorBlock,
            uint256[] memory _numErrors,
            string[] memory _errorString,
            address[] memory _erroringContract,
            uint256 _totalDaemonizedErrors
        require(startIndex < daemonizeErrorHashes.length, INDEX_TOO_HIGH);
        uint256 numReportElements = 
            daemonizeErrorHashes.length >= startIndex + numErrorTypesToShow ?
            numErrorTypesToShow :
            daemonizeErrorHashes.length - startIndex;

        _lastErrorBlock = new uint256[] (numReportElements);
        _numErrors = new uint256[] (numReportElements);
        _errorString = new string[] (numReportElements);
        _erroringContract = new address[] (numReportElements);

        // we have error data error type.
        // error type is hash(error_string, source contract)
        // per error type we report how many times it happened.
        // what was last block it happened.
        // what is the error string.
        // what is the erroring contract
        for (uint i = 0; i < numReportElements; i++) {
            bytes32 hash = daemonizeErrorHashes[startIndex + i];

            _lastErrorBlock[i] = daemonizedErrors[hash].lastErrorBlock;
            _numErrors[i] = daemonizedErrors[hash].numErrors;
            _errorString[i] = daemonizedErrors[hash].errorMessage;
            _erroringContract[i] = daemonizedErrors[hash].fromContract;
        _totalDaemonizedErrors = errorData.totalDaemonizedErrors;

     * @notice Implementation of the AddressUpdatable abstract method - updates Inflation and daemonized contracts.
     * @dev It also sets `maxMintingRequestWei` if it was not set before.
    function _updateContractAddresses(
        bytes32[] memory _contractNameHashes,
        address[] memory _contractAddresses
        internal override
        IInflationGenesis _inflation = IInflationGenesis(
            _getContractAddress(_contractNameHashes, _contractAddresses, "Inflation"));
        emit InflationSet(_inflation, inflation);
        inflation = _inflation;
        if (maxMintingRequestWei == 0) {
            maxMintingRequestWei = MAX_MINTING_REQUEST_DEFAULT;

        uint256 len = daemonizeContracts.length;
        if (len == 0) {

        Registration[] memory registrations = new Registration[](len);
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            IFlareDaemonize daemonizeContract = daemonizeContracts[i];
            registrations[i].daemonizedContract = IFlareDaemonize(
                _getContractAddress(_contractNameHashes, _contractAddresses, daemonizeContract.getContractName()));
            registrations[i].gasLimit = gasLimits[daemonizeContract];


     * @notice Implementation of the trigger() method. The external wrapper has extra guard for msg.sender.
    //slither-disable-next-line reentrancy-eth      // method protected by reentrancy guard (see comment below)
    function triggerInternal() internal returns (uint256 _toMintWei) {
        // only one trigger() call per block allowed
        // this also serves as reentrancy guard, since any re-entry will happen in the same block
        if(block.number == systemLastTriggeredAt) return 0;
        systemLastTriggeredAt = block.number;

        uint256 currentBalance = address(this).balance;

        // Did the validator or a self-destructor conjure some native token?
        if (currentBalance > lastBalance) {
            uint256 balanceExpected = lastBalance.add(expectedMintRequest);
            // Did we get what was last asked for?
            if (currentBalance == balanceExpected) {
                // Yes, so assume it all came from the validator.
                uint256 minted = expectedMintRequest;
                totalMintingReceivedWei = totalMintingReceivedWei.add(minted);
                emit MintingReceived(minted);
                //slither-disable-next-line arbitrary-send          // only sent to inflation, set by governance
                try inflation.receiveMinting{ value: minted }() {
                    totalMintingWithdrawnWei = totalMintingWithdrawnWei.add(minted);
                    emit MintingWithdrawn(minted);
                } catch Error(string memory message) {
                    addDaemonizeError(address(this), message, 0);
                } catch {
                    addDaemonizeError(address(this), ERR_INFLATION_MINT_RECEIVE_FAIL, 0);
            } else if (currentBalance < balanceExpected) {
                // No, and if less, there are two possibilities: 1) the validator did not
                // send us what we asked (not possible unless a bug), or 2) an attacker
                // sent us something in between a request and a mint. Assume 2.
                uint256 selfDestructReceived = currentBalance.sub(lastBalance);
                totalSelfDestructReceivedWei = totalSelfDestructReceivedWei.add(selfDestructReceived);
                emit SelfDestructReceived(selfDestructReceived);
            } else {
                // No, so assume we got a minting request (perhaps zero...does not matter)
                // and some self-destruct proceeds (unlikely but can happen).
                totalMintingReceivedWei = totalMintingReceivedWei.add(expectedMintRequest);
                uint256 selfDestructReceived = currentBalance.sub(lastBalance).sub(expectedMintRequest);
                totalSelfDestructReceivedWei = totalSelfDestructReceivedWei.add(selfDestructReceived);
                emit MintingReceived(expectedMintRequest);
                emit SelfDestructReceived(selfDestructReceived);
                //slither-disable-next-line arbitrary-send          // only sent to inflation, set by governance
                try inflation.receiveMinting{ value: expectedMintRequest }() {
                    totalMintingWithdrawnWei = totalMintingWithdrawnWei.add(expectedMintRequest);
                    emit MintingWithdrawn(expectedMintRequest);
                } catch Error(string memory message) {
                    addDaemonizeError(address(this), message, 0);
                } catch {
                    addDaemonizeError(address(this), ERR_INFLATION_MINT_RECEIVE_FAIL, 0);

        uint256 len = daemonizeContracts.length;

        // Perform trigger operations here
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            IFlareDaemonize daemonizedContract = daemonizeContracts[i];
            uint256 blockHoldoffRemainingForContract = blockHoldoffsRemaining[daemonizedContract];
            if (blockHoldoffRemainingForContract > 0) {
                blockHoldoffsRemaining[daemonizedContract] = blockHoldoffRemainingForContract - 1;
                emit ContractHeldOff(address(daemonizedContract), blockHoldoffRemainingForContract);
            } else {
                // Figure out what gas to limit call by
                uint256 gasLimit = gasLimits[daemonizedContract];
                uint256 startGas = gasleft();
                // End loop if there isn't enough gas left for any daemonize call
                    emit ContractsSkippedOutOfGas(len - i);
                // Calculate the gas limit for the next call
                uint256 useGas = startGas - MIN_GAS_LEFT_AFTER_DAEMONIZE;
                if (gasLimit > 0 && gasLimit < useGas) {
                    useGas = gasLimit;
                // Run daemonize for the contract, consume errors, and record
                try daemonizedContract.daemonize{gas: useGas}() {
                    emit ContractDaemonized(address(daemonizedContract), (startGas - gasleft()));
                // Catch all requires with messages
                } catch Error(string memory message) {
                    addDaemonizeError(address(daemonizedContract), message, (startGas - gasleft()));
                // Catch everything else...out of gas, div by zero, asserts, etc.
                } catch {
                    uint256 endGas = gasleft();
                    // Interpret out of gas errors
                    if (gasLimit > 0 && startGas.sub(endGas) >= gasLimit) {
                        addDaemonizeError(address(daemonizedContract), ERR_OUT_OF_GAS, (startGas - endGas));
                        // When daemonize() fails with out-of-gas, try to fix it in two steps:
                        // 1) try to switch contract to fallback mode
                        //    (to allow the contract's daemonize() to recover in fallback mode in next block)
                        // 2) if constract is already in fallback mode or fallback mode is not supported
                        //    (switchToFallbackMode() returns false), start the holdoff for this contract
                        bool switchedToFallback = daemonizedContract.switchToFallbackMode();
                        if (!switchedToFallback) {
                            blockHoldoffsRemaining[daemonizedContract] = blockHoldoff;
                    } else {
                        // Don't know error cause...just log it as unknown
                        addDaemonizeError(address(daemonizedContract), "unknown", (startGas - endGas));

        // Get any requested minting and return to validator
        _toMintWei = getPendingMintRequest();
        if (_toMintWei > 0) {
            expectedMintRequest = _toMintWei;
            emit MintingRequestTriggered(_toMintWei);
        } else {
            expectedMintRequest = 0;            

        // Update balance
        lastBalance = address(this).balance;
        // We should be in balance - don't revert, just report...
        uint256 contractBalanceExpected = getExpectedBalance();
        if (contractBalanceExpected != address(this).balance) {
            addDaemonizeError(address(this), ERR_OUT_OF_BALANCE, 0);

    function addDaemonizeError(address daemonizedContract, string memory message, uint256 gasConsumed) internal {
        bytes32 errorStringHash = keccak256(abi.encode(daemonizedContract, message));

        DaemonizedError storage daemonizedError = daemonizedErrors[errorStringHash];
        if (daemonizedError.numErrors == 0) {
            // first time we recieve this error string.
            daemonizedError.fromContract = daemonizedContract;
            // limit message length to fit in fixed number of storage words (to make gas usage predictable)
            daemonizedError.errorMessage = truncateString(message, 64);
            daemonizedError.errorTypeIndex = uint64(daemonizeErrorHashes.length - 1);
        daemonizedError.numErrors += 1;
        daemonizedError.lastErrorBlock = uint192(block.number);
        emit ContractDaemonizeErrored(daemonizedContract, block.number, message, gasConsumed);

        errorData.totalDaemonizedErrors += 1;
        errorData.lastErrorTypeIndex = daemonizedError.errorTypeIndex;        

     * @notice Register contracts to be polled by the daemon process.
     * @param _registrations    An array of Registration structures of IFlareDaemonize contracts to daemonize
     *                          and gas limits for each contract.
     * @dev A gas limit of zero will set no limit for the contract but the validator has an overall
     *   limit for the trigger() method.
     * @dev If any registrations already exist, they will be unregistered.
     * @dev Contracts will be daemonized in the order in which presented via the _registrations array.
    function _registerToDaemonize(Registration[] memory _registrations) internal {
        // Make sure there are not too many contracts to register.
        uint256 registrationsLength = _registrations.length;
        require(registrationsLength <= MAX_DAEMONIZE_CONTRACTS, ERR_TOO_MANY);

        // Unregister everything first

        // Loop over all contracts to register
        for (uint256 registrationIndex = 0; registrationIndex < registrationsLength; registrationIndex++) {
            // Address cannot be zero
            require(address(_registrations[registrationIndex].daemonizedContract) != address(0), ERR_ADDRESS_ZERO);

            uint256 daemonizeContractsLength = daemonizeContracts.length;
            // Make sure no dups...yes, inefficient. Registration should not be done often.
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < daemonizeContractsLength; i++) {
                require(_registrations[registrationIndex].daemonizedContract != daemonizeContracts[i], 
                    ERR_DUPLICATE_ADDRESS); // already registered
            // Store off the registered contract to daemonize, in the order presented.
            // Record the gas limit for the contract.
            gasLimits[_registrations[registrationIndex].daemonizedContract] = 
            // Clear any blocks being held off for the given contract, if any. Contracts may be re-presented
            // if only order is being modified, for example.
            blockHoldoffsRemaining[_registrations[registrationIndex].daemonizedContract] = 0;
            emit RegistrationUpdated (_registrations[registrationIndex].daemonizedContract, true);

     * @notice Unregister all contracts from being polled by the daemon process.
    function _unregisterAll() private {

        uint256 len = daemonizeContracts.length;

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            IFlareDaemonize daemonizedContract = daemonizeContracts[daemonizeContracts.length - 1];
            emit RegistrationUpdated (daemonizedContract, false);

     * @notice Net totals to obtain the expected balance of the contract.
    function getExpectedBalance() private view returns(uint256 _balanceExpectedWei) {
        _balanceExpectedWei = totalMintingReceivedWei.

     * @notice Net total received from total requested.
    function getPendingMintRequest() private view returns(uint256 _mintRequestPendingWei) {
        _mintRequestPendingWei = totalMintingRequestedWei.sub(totalMintingReceivedWei);

    function _getNextMintRequestAllowedTs() internal view returns (uint256) {
        return (lastMintRequestTs + MAX_MINTING_FREQUENCY_SEC);

    function truncateString(string memory _str, uint256 _maxlength) private pure returns (string memory) {
        bytes memory strbytes = bytes(_str);
        if (strbytes.length <= _maxlength) {
            return _str;
        bytes memory result = new bytes(_maxlength);
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _maxlength; i++) {
            result[i] = strbytes[i];
        return string(result);


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.7.6;

import "../interface/IIAddressUpdatable.sol";

abstract contract AddressUpdatable is IIAddressUpdatable {

    // https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.8.7/contracts.html#constant-and-immutable-state-variables
    // No storage slot is allocated
    bytes32 internal constant ADDRESS_STORAGE_POSITION = 

    modifier onlyAddressUpdater() {
        require (msg.sender == getAddressUpdater(), "only address updater");

    constructor(address _addressUpdater) {

    function getAddressUpdater() public view returns (address _addressUpdater) {
        // Only direct constants are allowed in inline assembly, so we assign it here
        bytes32 position = ADDRESS_STORAGE_POSITION;
        // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
        assembly {
            _addressUpdater := sload(position)

     * @notice external method called from AddressUpdater only
    function updateContractAddresses(
        bytes32[] memory _contractNameHashes,
        address[] memory _contractAddresses
        external override
        // update addressUpdater address
        setAddressUpdaterValue(_getContractAddress(_contractNameHashes, _contractAddresses, "AddressUpdater"));
        // update all other addresses
        _updateContractAddresses(_contractNameHashes, _contractAddresses);

     * @notice virtual method that a contract extending AddressUpdatable must implement
    function _updateContractAddresses(
        bytes32[] memory _contractNameHashes,
        address[] memory _contractAddresses
    ) internal virtual;

     * @notice helper method to get contract address
     * @dev it reverts if contract name does not exist
    function _getContractAddress(
        bytes32[] memory _nameHashes,
        address[] memory _addresses,
        string memory _nameToFind
        internal pure
        bytes32 nameHash = keccak256(abi.encode(_nameToFind));
        address a = address(0);
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _nameHashes.length; i++) {
            if (nameHash == _nameHashes[i]) {
                a = _addresses[i];
        require(a != address(0), "address zero");
        return a;

    function setAddressUpdaterValue(address _addressUpdater) internal {
        // Only direct constants are allowed in inline assembly, so we assign it here
        bytes32 position = ADDRESS_STORAGE_POSITION;
        // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly  
        assembly {
            sstore(position, _addressUpdater)


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.7.6 <0.9;

interface IIAddressUpdatable {
     * @notice Updates contract addresses - should be called only from AddressUpdater contract
     * @param _contractNameHashes       list of keccak256(abi.encode(...)) contract names
     * @param _contractAddresses        list of contract addresses corresponding to the contract names
    function updateContractAddresses(
        bytes32[] memory _contractNameHashes,
        address[] memory _contractAddresses
        ) external;


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.7.6 <0.9;

/// Any contracts that want to recieve a trigger from Flare daemon should 
///     implement IFlareDaemonize
interface IFlareDaemonize {

    /// Implement this function for recieving a trigger from FlareDaemon.
    function daemonize() external returns (bool);
    /// This function will be called after an error is caught in daemonize().
    /// It will switch the contract to a simpler fallback mode, which hopefully works when full mode doesn't.
    /// Not every contract needs to support fallback mode (FtsoManager does), so this method may be empty.
    /// Switching back to normal mode is left to the contract (typically a governed method call).
    /// This function may be called due to low-gas error, so it shouldn't use more than ~30.000 gas.
    /// @return true if switched to fallback mode, false if already in fallback mode or if falback not supported
    function switchToFallbackMode() external returns (bool);

    /// Implement this function for updating daemonized contracts through AddressUpdater.
    function getContractName() external view returns (string memory);


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.7.6 <0.9;

interface IInflationGenesis {
     * @notice Receive newly minted native tokens from the FlareDaemon.
     * @dev Assume that the amount received will be >= last topup requested across all services.
     *   If there is not enough balance sent to cover the topup request, expect library method will revert.
     *   Also assume that any balance received greater than the topup request calculated
     *   came from self-destructor sending a balance to this contract.
    function receiveMinting() external payable;


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.7.6;

import "./GovernedBase.sol";

 * @title Governed At Genesis
 * @dev This contract enforces a fixed governance address when the constructor
 *  is not executed on a contract (for instance when directly loaded to the genesis block).
 *  This is required to fix governance on a contract when the network starts, at such point
 *  where theoretically no accounts yet exist, and leaving it ungoverned could result in a race
 *  to claim governance by an unauthorized address.
contract GovernedAtGenesis is GovernedBase {
    constructor(address _governance) GovernedBase(_governance) { }

     * @notice Set governance to a fixed address when constructor is not called.
    function initialiseFixedAddress() public virtual returns (address) {
        address governanceAddress = address(0xfffEc6C83c8BF5c3F4AE0cCF8c45CE20E4560BD7);
        return governanceAddress;

     * @notice Disallow initialise to be called
     * @param _governance The governance address for initial claiming
    // solhint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
    function initialise(address _governance) public override pure {


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.7.6;

import "../../userInterfaces/IGovernanceSettings.sol";

 * @title Governed Base
 * @notice This abstract base class defines behaviors for a governed contract.
 * @dev This class is abstract so that specific behaviors can be defined for the constructor.
 *   Contracts should not be left ungoverned, but not all contract will have a constructor
 *   (for example those pre-defined in genesis).
abstract contract GovernedBase {
    struct TimelockedCall {
        uint256 allowedAfterTimestamp;
        bytes encodedCall;
    // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase
    IGovernanceSettings public constant governanceSettings = 

    address private initialGovernance;

    bool private initialised;
    bool public productionMode;
    bool private executing;
    mapping(bytes4 => TimelockedCall) public timelockedCalls;
    event GovernanceCallTimelocked(bytes4 selector, uint256 allowedAfterTimestamp, bytes encodedCall);
    event TimelockedGovernanceCallExecuted(bytes4 selector, uint256 timestamp);
    event TimelockedGovernanceCallCanceled(bytes4 selector, uint256 timestamp);
    event GovernanceInitialised(address initialGovernance);
    event GovernedProductionModeEntered(address governanceSettings);
    modifier onlyGovernance {
        if (executing || !productionMode) {
        } else {
    modifier onlyImmediateGovernance () {

    constructor(address _initialGovernance) {
        if (_initialGovernance != address(0)) {

     * @notice Execute the timelocked governance calls once the timelock period expires.
     * @dev Only executor can call this method.
     * @param _selector The method selector (only one timelocked call per method is stored).
    function executeGovernanceCall(bytes4 _selector) external {
        require(governanceSettings.isExecutor(msg.sender), "only executor");
        TimelockedCall storage call = timelockedCalls[_selector];
        require(call.allowedAfterTimestamp != 0, "timelock: invalid selector");
        require(block.timestamp >= call.allowedAfterTimestamp, "timelock: not allowed yet");
        bytes memory encodedCall = call.encodedCall;
        delete timelockedCalls[_selector];
        executing = true;
        //solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls
        (bool success,) = address(this).call(encodedCall);
        executing = false;
        emit TimelockedGovernanceCallExecuted(_selector, block.timestamp);
     * Cancel a timelocked governance call before it has been executed.
     * @dev Only governance can call this method.
     * @param _selector The method selector.
    function cancelGovernanceCall(bytes4 _selector) external onlyImmediateGovernance {
        require(timelockedCalls[_selector].allowedAfterTimestamp != 0, "timelock: invalid selector");
        emit TimelockedGovernanceCallCanceled(_selector, block.timestamp);
        delete timelockedCalls[_selector];
     * Enter the production mode after all the initial governance settings have been set.
     * This enables timelocks and the governance is afterwards obtained by calling 
     * governanceSettings.getGovernanceAddress(). 
    function switchToProductionMode() external {
        require(!productionMode, "already in production mode");
        initialGovernance = address(0);
        productionMode = true;
        emit GovernedProductionModeEntered(address(governanceSettings));

     * @notice Initialize the governance address if not first initialized.
    function initialise(address _initialGovernance) public virtual {
        require(initialised == false, "initialised != false");
        initialised = true;
        initialGovernance = _initialGovernance;
        emit GovernanceInitialised(_initialGovernance);
     * Returns the current effective governance address.
    function governance() public view returns (address) {
        return productionMode ? governanceSettings.getGovernanceAddress() : initialGovernance;

    function _beforeExecute() private {
        if (executing) {
            // can only be run from executeGovernanceCall(), where we check that only executor can call
            // make sure nothing else gets executed, even in case of reentrancy
            assert(msg.sender == address(this));
            executing = false;
        } else {
            // must be called with: productionMode=false
            // must check governance in this case

    function _recordTimelockedCall(bytes calldata _data) private {
        bytes4 selector;
        //solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
        assembly {
            selector := calldataload(_data.offset)
        uint256 timelock = governanceSettings.getTimelock();
        uint256 allowedAt = block.timestamp + timelock;
        timelockedCalls[selector] = TimelockedCall({
            allowedAfterTimestamp: allowedAt,
            encodedCall: _data
        emit GovernanceCallTimelocked(selector, allowedAt, _data);
    function _checkOnlyGovernance() private view {
        require(msg.sender == governance(), "only governance");
    function _passReturnOrRevert(bool _success) private pure {
        // pass exact return or revert data - needs to be done in assembly
        //solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
        assembly {
            let size := returndatasize()
            let ptr := mload(0x40)
            mstore(0x40, add(ptr, size))
            returndatacopy(ptr, 0, size)
            if _success {
                return(ptr, size)
            revert(ptr, size)


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.7.6;

 * A special contract that holds Flare governance address.
 * This contract enables updating governance address and timelock only by hard forking the network,
 * meaning only by updating validator code.
interface IGovernanceSettings {
     * Get the governance account address.
     * The governance address can only be changed by a hardfork.
    function getGovernanceAddress() external view returns (address);
     * Get the time in seconds that must pass between a governance call and execution.
     * The timelock value can only be changed by a hardfork.
    function getTimelock() external view returns (uint256);
     * Get the addresses of the accounts that are allowed to execute the timelocked governance calls
     * once the timelock period expires.
     * Executors can be changed without a hardfork, via a normal governance call.
    function getExecutors() external view returns (address[] memory);
     * Check whether an address is one of the executors.
    function isExecutor(address _address) external view returns (bool);


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity 0.7.6;
import {SafeMath} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";

 * @dev Compute percentages safely without phantom overflows.
 * Intermediate operations can overflow even when the result will always
 * fit into computed type. Developers usually
 * assume that overflows raise errors. `SafePct` restores this intuition by
 * reverting the transaction when such an operation overflows.
 * Using this library instead of the unchecked operations eliminates an entire
 * class of bugs, so it's recommended to use it always.
 * Can be combined with {SafeMath} and {SignedSafeMath} to extend it to smaller types, by performing
 * all math on `uint256` and `int256` and then downcasting.
library SafePct {
    using SafeMath for uint256;
     * Requirements:
     * - intermediate operations must revert on overflow
    function mulDiv(uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 z) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(z > 0, "Division by zero");

        if (x == 0) return 0;
        uint256 xy = x * y;
        if (xy / x == y) { // no overflow happened - same as in SafeMath mul
            return xy / z;

        //slither-disable-next-line divide-before-multiply
        uint256 a = x / z;
        uint256 b = x % z; // x = a * z + b

        //slither-disable-next-line divide-before-multiply
        uint256 c = y / z;
        uint256 d = y % z; // y = c * z + d

        return (a.mul(c).mul(z)).add(a.mul(d)).add(b.mul(c)).add(b.mul(d).div(z));


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity >=0.6.0 <0.8.0;

 * @dev Wrappers over Solidity's arithmetic operations with added overflow
 * checks.
 * Arithmetic operations in Solidity wrap on overflow. This can easily result
 * in bugs, because programmers usually assume that an overflow raises an
 * error, which is the standard behavior in high level programming languages.
 * `SafeMath` restores this intuition by reverting the transaction when an
 * operation overflows.
 * Using this library instead of the unchecked operations eliminates an entire
 * class of bugs, so it's recommended to use it always.
library SafeMath {
     * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, with an overflow flag.
     * _Available since v3.4._
    function tryAdd(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool, uint256) {
        uint256 c = a + b;
        if (c < a) return (false, 0);
        return (true, c);

     * @dev Returns the substraction of two unsigned integers, with an overflow flag.
     * _Available since v3.4._
    function trySub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool, uint256) {
        if (b > a) return (false, 0);
        return (true, a - b);

     * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, with an overflow flag.
     * _Available since v3.4._
    function tryMul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool, uint256) {
        // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the
        // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested.
        // See: https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/pull/522
        if (a == 0) return (true, 0);
        uint256 c = a * b;
        if (c / a != b) return (false, 0);
        return (true, c);

     * @dev Returns the division of two unsigned integers, with a division by zero flag.
     * _Available since v3.4._
    function tryDiv(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool, uint256) {
        if (b == 0) return (false, 0);
        return (true, a / b);

     * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers, with a division by zero flag.
     * _Available since v3.4._
    function tryMod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool, uint256) {
        if (b == 0) return (false, 0);
        return (true, a % b);

     * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on
     * overflow.
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator.
     * Requirements:
     * - Addition cannot overflow.
    function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 c = a + b;
        require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow");
        return c;

     * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on
     * overflow (when the result is negative).
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator.
     * Requirements:
     * - Subtraction cannot overflow.
    function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(b <= a, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow");
        return a - b;

     * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on
     * overflow.
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator.
     * Requirements:
     * - Multiplication cannot overflow.
    function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        if (a == 0) return 0;
        uint256 c = a * b;
        require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow");
        return c;

     * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers, reverting on
     * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero.
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a
     * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity
     * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
     * Requirements:
     * - The divisor cannot be zero.
    function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(b > 0, "SafeMath: division by zero");
        return a / b;

     * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo),
     * reverting when dividing by zero.
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert`
     * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an
     * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
     * Requirements:
     * - The divisor cannot be zero.
    function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(b > 0, "SafeMath: modulo by zero");
        return a % b;

     * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on
     * overflow (when the result is negative).
     * CAUTION: This function is deprecated because it requires allocating memory for the error
     * message unnecessarily. For custom revert reasons use {trySub}.
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator.
     * Requirements:
     * - Subtraction cannot overflow.
    function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(b <= a, errorMessage);
        return a - b;

     * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on
     * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero.
     * CAUTION: This function is deprecated because it requires allocating memory for the error
     * message unnecessarily. For custom revert reasons use {tryDiv}.
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a
     * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity
     * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
     * Requirements:
     * - The divisor cannot be zero.
    function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(b > 0, errorMessage);
        return a / b;

     * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo),
     * reverting with custom message when dividing by zero.
     * CAUTION: This function is deprecated because it requires allocating memory for the error
     * message unnecessarily. For custom revert reasons use {tryMod}.
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert`
     * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an
     * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
     * Requirements:
     * - The divisor cannot be zero.
    function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(b > 0, errorMessage);
        return a % b;

Contract ABI

[{"type":"constructor","stateMutability":"nonpayable","inputs":[]},{"type":"event","name":"ContractDaemonizeErrored","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"theContract","internalType":"address","indexed":false},{"type":"uint256","name":"atBlock","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false},{"type":"string","name":"theMessage","internalType":"string","indexed":false},{"type":"uint256","name":"gasConsumed","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"ContractDaemonized","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"theContract","internalType":"address","indexed":false},{"type":"uint256","name":"gasConsumed","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"ContractHeldOff","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"theContract","internalType":"address","indexed":false},{"type":"uint256","name":"blockHoldoffsRemaining","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"ContractsSkippedOutOfGas","inputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"numberOfSkippedConstracts","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"GovernanceCallTimelocked","inputs":[{"type":"bytes4","name":"selector","internalType":"bytes4","indexed":false},{"type":"uint256","name":"allowedAfterTimestamp","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false},{"type":"bytes","name":"encodedCall","internalType":"bytes","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"GovernanceInitialised","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"initialGovernance","internalType":"address","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"GovernedProductionModeEntered","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"governanceSettings","internalType":"address","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"InflationSet","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"theNewContract","internalType":"contract IInflationGenesis","indexed":false},{"type":"address","name":"theOldContract","internalType":"contract IInflationGenesis","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"MintingReceived","inputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"amountWei","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"MintingRequestReceived","inputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"amountWei","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"MintingRequestTriggered","inputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"amountWei","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"MintingWithdrawn","inputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"amountWei","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"RegistrationUpdated","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"theContract","internalType":"contract IFlareDaemonize","indexed":false},{"type":"bool","name":"add","internalType":"bool","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"SelfDestructReceived","inputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"amountWei","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"TimelockedGovernanceCallCanceled","inputs":[{"type":"bytes4","name":"selector","internalType":"bytes4","indexed":false},{"type":"uint256","name":"timestamp","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"event","name":"TimelockedGovernanceCallExecuted","inputs":[{"type":"bytes4","name":"selector","internalType":"bytes4","indexed":false},{"type":"uint256","name":"timestamp","internalType":"uint256","indexed":false}],"anonymous":false},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"","internalType":"uint256"}],"name":"blockHoldoff","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[],"name":"cancelGovernanceCall","inputs":[{"type":"bytes4","name":"_selector","internalType":"bytes4"}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"uint192","name":"totalDaemonizedErrors","internalType":"uint192"},{"type":"uint64","name":"lastErrorTypeIndex","internalType":"uint64"}],"name":"errorData","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[],"name":"executeGovernanceCall","inputs":[{"type":"bytes4","name":"_selector","internalType":"bytes4"}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"address","name":"_addressUpdater","internalType":"address"}],"name":"getAddressUpdater","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"address[]","name":"_daemonizeContracts","internalType":"contract IFlareDaemonize[]"},{"type":"uint256[]","name":"_gasLimits","internalType":"uint256[]"},{"type":"uint256[]","name":"_blockHoldoffsRemaining","internalType":"uint256[]"}],"name":"getDaemonizedContractsData","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"","internalType":"uint256"}],"name":"getNextMintRequestAllowedTs","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"address","name":"","internalType":"address"}],"name":"governance","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"address","name":"","internalType":"contract IGovernanceSettings"}],"name":"governanceSettings","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"address","name":"","internalType":"contract IInflationGenesis"}],"name":"inflation","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"pure","outputs":[],"name":"initialise","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"_governance","internalType":"address"}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[{"type":"address","name":"","internalType":"address"}],"name":"initialiseFixedAddress","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"","internalType":"uint256"}],"name":"lastMintRequestTs","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"","internalType":"uint256"}],"name":"lastUpdateMaxMintRequestTs","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"","internalType":"uint256"}],"name":"maxMintingRequestWei","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"bool","name":"","internalType":"bool"}],"name":"productionMode","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[],"name":"registerToDaemonize","inputs":[{"type":"tuple[]","name":"_registrations","internalType":"struct FlareDaemon.Registration[]","components":[{"type":"address","name":"daemonizedContract","internalType":"contract IFlareDaemonize"},{"type":"uint256","name":"gasLimit","internalType":"uint256"}]}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[],"name":"requestMinting","inputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"_amountWei","internalType":"uint256"}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[],"name":"setAddressUpdater","inputs":[{"type":"address","name":"_addressUpdater","internalType":"address"}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[],"name":"setBlockHoldoff","inputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"_blockHoldoff","internalType":"uint256"}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[],"name":"setMaxMintingRequest","inputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"_maxMintingRequestWei","internalType":"uint256"}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"uint256[]","name":"_lastErrorBlock","internalType":"uint256[]"},{"type":"uint256[]","name":"_numErrors","internalType":"uint256[]"},{"type":"string[]","name":"_errorString","internalType":"string[]"},{"type":"address[]","name":"_erroringContract","internalType":"address[]"},{"type":"uint256","name":"_totalDaemonizedErrors","internalType":"uint256"}],"name":"showDaemonizedErrors","inputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"startIndex","internalType":"uint256"},{"type":"uint256","name":"numErrorTypesToShow","internalType":"uint256"}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"uint256[]","name":"_lastErrorBlock","internalType":"uint256[]"},{"type":"uint256[]","name":"_numErrors","internalType":"uint256[]"},{"type":"string[]","name":"_errorString","internalType":"string[]"},{"type":"address[]","name":"_erroringContract","internalType":"address[]"},{"type":"uint256","name":"_totalDaemonizedErrors","internalType":"uint256"}],"name":"showLastDaemonizedError","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[],"name":"switchToProductionMode","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"","internalType":"uint256"}],"name":"systemLastTriggeredAt","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"allowedAfterTimestamp","internalType":"uint256"},{"type":"bytes","name":"encodedCall","internalType":"bytes"}],"name":"timelockedCalls","inputs":[{"type":"bytes4","name":"","internalType":"bytes4"}]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"","internalType":"uint256"}],"name":"totalMintingReceivedWei","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"","internalType":"uint256"}],"name":"totalMintingRequestedWei","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"","internalType":"uint256"}],"name":"totalMintingWithdrawnWei","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"view","outputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"","internalType":"uint256"}],"name":"totalSelfDestructReceivedWei","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[{"type":"uint256","name":"_toMintWei","internalType":"uint256"}],"name":"trigger","inputs":[]},{"type":"function","stateMutability":"nonpayable","outputs":[],"name":"updateContractAddresses","inputs":[{"type":"bytes32[]","name":"_contractNameHashes","internalType":"bytes32[]"},{"type":"address[]","name":"_contractAddresses","internalType":"address[]"}]}]

Deployed ByteCode
