
Contract Address Details


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// (c) 2021, Flare Networks Limited. All rights reserved.
// Please see the file LICENSE for licensing terms.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.7.6;

import "../../userInterfaces/IGovernanceSettings.sol";

 * A special contract that holds Flare governance address.
 * This contract enables updating governance address and timelock only by hard forking the network,
 * meaning only by updating validator code.
contract GovernanceSettings is IGovernanceSettings {

    address public constant SIGNAL_COINBASE = address(0x00000000000000000000000000000000000dEAD0);

    uint256 internal constant MAX_TIMELOCK = 365 days;
    address internal constant GENESIS_GOVERNANCE = 0xfffEc6C83c8BF5c3F4AE0cCF8c45CE20E4560BD7;
    // governance address set by the validator (set in initialise call, can be changed by fork)
    address private governanceAddress;
    // global timelock setting (in seconds), also set by validator (set in initialise call, can be changed by fork)
    uint64 private timelock;
    // prevent double initialisation
    bool private initialised;
    // executor addresses, changeable anytime by the governance
    address[] private executors;
    mapping (address => bool) private executorMap;

    event GovernanceAddressUpdated(
        uint256 timestamp,
        address oldGovernanceAddress,
        address newGovernanceAddress

    event GovernanceTimelockUpdated(
        uint256 timestamp,
        uint256 oldTimelock,
        uint256 newTimelock

    event GovernanceExecutorsUpdated(
        uint256 timestamp,
        address[] oldExecutors,
        address[] newExecutors

     * Perform initialisation, which cannot be done in constructor, since this is a genesis contract.
     * Can only be called once.
    function initialise(address _governanceAddress, uint256 _timelock, address[] memory _executors) external {
        require(msg.sender == GENESIS_GOVERNANCE, "only genesis governance");
        require(!initialised, "already initialised");
        require(_timelock < MAX_TIMELOCK, "timelock too large");
        // set the field values
        initialised = true;
        governanceAddress = _governanceAddress;
        timelock = uint64(_timelock);

     * Change the governance address.
     * Can only be called by validators via fork.
    function setGovernanceAddress(address _newGovernance) external {
        require(governanceAddress != _newGovernance, "governanceAddress == _newGovernance");
        if (msg.sender == block.coinbase && block.coinbase == SIGNAL_COINBASE) {
            emit GovernanceAddressUpdated(block.timestamp, governanceAddress, _newGovernance);
            governanceAddress = _newGovernance;

     * Change the timelock.
     * Can only be called by validators via fork.
    function setTimelock(uint256 _newTimelock) external {
        require(timelock != _newTimelock, "timelock == _newTimelock");
        require(_newTimelock < MAX_TIMELOCK, "timelock too large");
        if (msg.sender == block.coinbase && block.coinbase == SIGNAL_COINBASE) {
            emit GovernanceTimelockUpdated(block.timestamp, timelock, _newTimelock);
            timelock = uint64(_newTimelock);
     * Set the addresses of the accounts that are allowed to execute the timelocked governance calls
     * once the timelock period expires.
     * It isn't very dangerous to allow for anyone to execute timelocked calls, but we reserve the right to
     * make sure the timing of the execution is under control.
     * Can only be called by the governance.
    function setExecutors(address[] memory _newExecutors) external {
        require(msg.sender == governanceAddress, "only governance");
     * Get the governance account address.
    function getGovernanceAddress() external view override returns (address) {
        return governanceAddress;
     * Get the time that must pass between a governance call and execution.
    function getTimelock() external view override returns (uint256) {
        return timelock;
     * Get the addresses of the accounts that are allowed to execute the timelocked governance calls
     * once the timelock period expires.
    function getExecutors() external view override returns (address[] memory) {
        return executors;
     * Check whether an address is allowed to execute an governance call after timelock expires.
    function isExecutor(address _address) external view override returns (bool) {
        return executorMap[_address];

    function _setExecutors(address[] memory _newExecutors) private {
        emit GovernanceExecutorsUpdated(block.timestamp, executors, _newExecutors);
        // clear old
        while (executors.length > 0) {
            executorMap[executors[executors.length - 1]] = false;
        // set new
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _newExecutors.length; i++) {
            executorMap[_newExecutors[i]] = true;


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.7.6;

 * A special contract that holds Flare governance address.
 * This contract enables updating governance address and timelock only by hard forking the network,
 * meaning only by updating validator code.
interface IGovernanceSettings {
     * Get the governance account address.
     * The governance address can only be changed by a hardfork.
    function getGovernanceAddress() external view returns (address);
     * Get the time in seconds that must pass between a governance call and execution.
     * The timelock value can only be changed by a hardfork.
    function getTimelock() external view returns (uint256);
     * Get the addresses of the accounts that are allowed to execute the timelocked governance calls
     * once the timelock period expires.
     * Executors can be changed without a hardfork, via a normal governance call.
    function getExecutors() external view returns (address[] memory);
     * Check whether an address is one of the executors.
    function isExecutor(address _address) external view returns (bool);

Contract ABI


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